"The Falling and The Rising" Military Chorus Auditions

Calling all Veteran and Active-Duty Military Who Love to Sing

Volunteer Military Chorus Audition Appointments Available in July for
The Falling And the Rising - A New American Opera
Conceived by Sgt Ben Hilgert | Libretto by Jerre Dye | Composed by Zach Redler
The Falling And the Rising is an exciting new American Opera that salutes the service and sacrifice of our military men and women. Written in 2018, this new show focuses on true soldiers' stories and follows 5 individuals on their journeys from service, to healing to home. 

Petite Opera invites ROTC, active-duty and veteran military personnel who love to sing to join the volunteer military chorus that appears in the final scene of the show. Call 847.553.4442 (option 2) or email us: <Auditions @ petiteopera DOT org>  with your name, contact info and best time to reach you. We'll contact you to set an audition appointment.
Don't read music or have any musical or performing experience? No problem!
How Many shows? Sing in 1 performance, or all 8. You decide. 
1 rehearsal in Park Ridge in September, 3 in late October 
Rehearsals and performances in Park Ridge